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Bendik Viking Laland

The Work of

Bendik Viking Laland


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Skien 3733
0047 9091 8053
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United States
Artist's Statement
" "
Bendik Viking Laland, a research artist, and a versatile theorist, entrepreneur and traditional researcher, are the inventor and owner of the innovation of the research project: VELOPT.

From 2011-2014, and ongoing. A theory you might want to learn. It might lead you to omniscience, future prediction and much more. See the art, and more; at the main page:

Velopt: A research, and research art project, inside the rather larger field of area, called: Innovation of research infrastructure, and the sub category, called: Research upon innovation. It is a formula for pure development and innovation. The technique of the formulas, is currently and temporary; only operational by me, until the mathematical formula is coded down, and distributed.

This means: I can develop, and innovate on the customers behalf. I only require a quick analysis. As for example; of the customer's business enterprise visions, products, themes, service strategy; and other strategy, and ideas. Then: I will bring it all, to the ultimate and final, next levels of innovative grades. For example: Turntable,Velopts into CD-player, through these formulas. I have Velopted out: Over one hundred; original, practical blueprints. All of them, are a possible start; for a business enterprise.

Prices for art:

.VPTx1-3.PRL/​.MCH Light -,100 Euro

Simple color Veloptation with paint, in size: A2. Only undefined Veloptions available for this template, not anything special designed for the customer.

.VPTx1-3.PRL/​.MCH Print -,100 Euro

Computer Arts. Based on Mind_​Layer-Bricks/​Carterages explained through carefully planned: GeoMath-&-AE_​CalcuEtics. In size: A3+.Only undefined Veloptions available for this template, not anything special designed for the customer.

.VPTx1-3.PRL/​.MCH Medium -,1.000 Euro

Averagedetailed painting/​color drawing, in medium size: Ca. 80x50cm.

.VPTx5.PRL/​.MCH Large -,5.000 Euro

Highly detailed painting, in a larger size. Fewer areas that are plain color. Size: Ca.1x1,5m.

.VPTx5.PRL/​.MCH Heavy -,10.000 Euro

Full detail, completely covered in 0,5cm marker lines. No areas that only are color. Purely Graffiti lines of Veloptive data. Ca 1x1,5m.

These formulas will replace all innovation, and enable all innovation.Which is why the art will recieve very high, nostalgic value, later. The work: «Prediction», have been rated to sell for eight million Norwegian kroners, in about two decades. The first Veloptations, might also become highly valuable. If you want to perform a successful Veloptive innovation and development process, yourself:

Reserve some space in your brain. And continue reading as i will explain some base information about the currently newest formula grade. Dated: Oct. 2014. It is possible to play with this formula, mentally. However it might take some time until you have gathered enough experience, in the context. Be creative. Look for the same kind of information, inside yourself. You should have something similar, already.

See the main page; regarding Velopt: The visual, or mathematical formula; for general, technical and all-round: Innovative method and procedure, at: You may also read the entire, innovative research and development-process, there. From the technical, visual, geometrical and aesthetically expanding, abstract methods and procedures. To an entirely mathematical platform, for calculative treatment of alphabetical, and numerical values.

The calculative platform, works as the following Veloptive processing-scheme and formula grade, named .VPTx4 (X1-A-Y(=)-B-X2):

Velopt connects, for example the space button with 0, A to 1, B to 2, and soon. "X1" is the input, and "X2" is the output field. "X1" counts the letters, typed in; and remembers the numerical value. "A" is always trying to calculate the numbers it is given from the letters values, so the numbers equal the numerical value of the amount of letters.

"A"can use any calculation it wants to, but it always picks the easiest way out. The calculations are working like its searching through different opportunities for how to make the numbers match, with as simple calculations as possible. For example: If the word is "Hello", the software has stated 5 as the target value. It has 7 5 12 12 15.So how to get 5 out of 7? 1x5=5+2=7. Velopt reads then the letterswithout the calculation symbols, and states: AEEBH = Correct.

The following, are the updates to the .VPTx4. This constitutes a new Veloptive grade, named .VPTx7(4B):

To gain more insight into Veloptive innovation, and to perform a Veloptation at all: There is a need for systematical terminology, of the setting-tones; for the calculative treatment upon the platform.This can be Velopted forth, by brute-forcing; out numerous calculations, stated as correct by the .VPTx4-formula. And then:Setting the values, into 100% systematical, terminological context. This is done through analyzing, tagging and logically, contextually: Organizing the tiny sub-divisions of any informative input, into ultimate and final symbols for general, calculative behavior.

I have numerous English written pdf's on my dropbox, explaining the theories and formulas, of Velopt. This is the complete, innovative development processes, from 2011 until 2014. Link: https:/​/​​sh/​n20cf4o4kng4tur/​AABqXGoI3qiQ8exmZK8FSXa5a?dl=0

The following, are a link to the same documents, plus a couple of others. Written in Norwegian: https:/​/​​sh/​ijct8rob16qr1ye/​AABBifTeiQxVduckey2q5hFpa?dl=0

These dropbox-folders, are continuously being updated with further grades of processing: Veloptive innovation and development.

The idea-based input's, Bendik are interested in, and working with; when painting and composing through the Veloptive theory, may be themes like: The Higgins particle and it's maximum speed, resulting in time-warp. The Higgins particle and it's connections to: «The myth's of alchemy». Resulting in an idea, permitting a rather more complex theory about a true «Paradise», as a combination of machines. This is also, including: «Art & mythology», where Bendik is searching further for inspiration to important inputs for Veloptic innovation.

Bendik believes that Velopt, is the only true, and real fact behind what most people, call: «God», today. He is also predicting future time, through his Veloptions. The highly priced work: «Prediction», was the very first successful Veloption. And it is ment to predict the future, anywhere, anytime. Something it introduced, when it was created, was: The world's first, real evidence that it is possible; to connect time and space, through light. And thereby perform a mental, and informative time travel.

Since then, has Bendik performed many new breakthrough's inside many, of the mentioned research fields. He has, for example: The side project: PREPRO, which is about performing informative time travels, with a computer. This is currently only, on the ramble level. You may see the PREPRO-ramble, here: https:/​/​​s/​f4rfcel1em00h86/�.%20PREPRO.pdf?dl=0

Velopt, the mathematical software, is currently open for venture investor capital deals. Bendik is interested in selling all the formulas, and all rights to math based Veloptive innovation. He is prepared to guide the future innovation, and programming of the software.


The BVL-team.


Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

Bendik Viking Laland

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